
"The only blog we have to fear is blog itself."

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Music Minutiae Strikes Back! 

I re-added my "Music Minutiae" music news "sideblog" on the right-hand side of the page. The previous incarnation was via free service that went kaput. Now it's using an RSS feed from the music blog I co-edit at WYEP. Of course, the RSS is converted to a javascript using another free web service, so we'll see if this one lasts...

Let me know if you see any problems with the Music Minutiae. Thanks!

I think I'm going to try to add headlines from my "My Life in Concerts" blog as well, which give me a reason to actually update that one... I just added the concert feed as well!



Monday, March 19, 2007

"A Super Huge Rock Band Is Forming Only Group Thats Going To Matter" 

So says the Google AdSense ad, rife with bluster and a casual attitude towards punctuation and syntax.

I didn't want to click on the ad, so I Googled the phrase instead and read what someone else had already blogged on it.
The World’s Next Great Rock Band Is Now Forming. You Will Absolutely Be The #1 Band After Your First Cd Release. I Guarantee It.

The Group Will Have 5 Lead Singing Capable Musicians+ Great Original Songs+ Great Obscure Cover Songs= The Worlds Greatest New Rock Band….........I Say Yeah! Yeah Yeah Yeahh….......I Got Fame….....Right Here….........If You Want It. The Beatles Had 4 Singers, I Want 5. Are You Worthy?
Thank goodness he guarantees it. Otherwise I might be worried. Read more...

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